18 November 2008

Dieting Advertising

Ok, so I decided to check my GaySpace stuff today. And there's at least 3 different companies trying to sell their dieting crap everytime I load the home page. One has this scrawny chick showing how much weight she lost by the pant size. But she's nasty skinny. Like on the verge of Ausschwitz skinny. THAT IS NOT HOT! Ok? You women need to be proud of your bodies.

If you'd like to lose weight, take the time to cook a decent meal that consists mostly of fuits and veggies, not meat. Complex carbohydrates are great too, but don't over do those either. The fruits and veggies will make you feel better too. It's a win win there. A long with the fruits and veggies, stay away from chemically and factory manufactured products. Stuff like margarine, shorting, american cheese, velveeta, spaghetti-os, fake egg products, etc. This stuff has almost no nutritional value. Not only that, it tastes like crap and has bad side effects that come up later, after eating a bunch of it...not only that it tastes like shit compared to the real stuff.

For margarine verus butter, margarine is produced using extreme heat conditions, and chemicals (to get it to the consistency of butter and to make it taste and look like butter). Margarine triggers the stress hormone in your body that produces bad cholesterol. Butter, on the other hand, is made from cow's milk fat. REAL fat...of which your brain functions partly on. It's like the difference between eating a real hamburger and one of those plastic toys you buy your kids. Dude, flies won't even eat margarine...and they eat feces!

But that's not all. You can't just change your eating habits. Start exercising. Exercising will help you use up the calories you take in through eating. If you eat a lot, you'll have to exercise a lot. Eat less, exercise less. Exercise is also good for relieving stress. Stress is one hell of a fat builder. It's your body's survival instincts becoming active. Way back when...stress was usually an indicator of food shortage, bad climate, disease, etc...Now we get stress from our jobs, children, economy, government, etc. Just take some time each day to sit back and chill. Clear your mind of all the stressful crap. Stress not only produces fat, it produces the bad cholesterol. Bad news, both for your weight, and for your heart.

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