23 October 2008

21 October 2008

I Have To Complain and Other Stuff

First, my complaining: EVERY road I was on today, except I-694 was going below the speed limits. I-94 had a crash and was backed up all the way to I-35E, but the crash was cleared by the time I got to where it was supposed to be. So I was late because some dipshits couldn't pay attention to where they were going. It was a clear day, and the drivers would be going west, before the sun had risen. Really, now, be cool and pay attention. Put down the damn cell phones and look in your blind spot.

Second, I have to say sorry Rachie, I don't mean to be mean to you when I poke fun at you. I poke fun at everyone, when I can. I don't mean anything by it. I just like challenging people.

Third, I have to make a hierarchy poster for my class on a bodily function. I'm totally doing my poster on farting. This should be done in Tin Foil Army style, and I'll probably post it here and at the Melting Pot. And anywhere else I see fit to post it. :D

19 October 2008

I hate everything, also, AAAAAAHNGST

On Friday I was unreasonably happy. I woke up jumping and everything was dandy out of my ass, this was a rare thing. I wondered how long it'd last, and it went well into last night. Which is good. Then I wake up today wanting to turn into Godzilla so I can smash everything with my feet, after realizing how kinda useless I am. I don't have to be posting this, but no one's on and I'm gonna lose it like I do every week, because that's what happens when my sugar supply gets cut off. So fuck this.

I have no niche, I run around my room all day doing nothing other than go online and play the same Zelda game for hours straight. I only come out of the cave to turn off the air or get food, but otherwise I don't do anything. I'm a waste, and everyone's sick of me never doing anything, but I dunno how to fix it. I'm pissed off or down most of the time and I get hounded on for it, and it takes forever to get Mr. Nona Shortness to get on a phone so I can get someone to listen, but he has his own shit going so I feel selfish.

The only place I have in any group is to be made the little kid and to be made fun of for being stupid and it's not gonna change anytime soon. That's the only entertainment I give anyone, so I eiter be a tight ass or let it happen so something kinda good comes out of being here.

Also, fuck everything.

17 October 2008

Tash wants an updated TFA

The world can rotate around the sun now.

16 October 2008

I Need to Bitch

About one thing in particular. WHY IS THE ADULT IN THIS SIGN A FEMALE?!
escalator safety sign

I hate it that women are always the ones pictured with the kids. Why not the men? Because it's still the dark ages when men only provided sperm and food for the children? FUCK THAT! Women and men have an EQUAL share in raising a child.

Which means I hate when signs like that show women instead of an asexual person.

15 October 2008

Hey, I just felt the need to post something

We still don't have a post for October, so I'll start us off. We've come up with a few new concepts in the last few days. The Tin Foil News; Burrito Army; Tash's Computer Idiocy Book. Stuff along those lines.

In school, I've been told I have to make a timeline, so I'm making one on the TFA. And I do believe it's the time of year I'm supposed to make a newsletter for us. Where to start, eh? Yo, Rachel, I need new stylized TFA members!

Oh yeah, I'll share a few hot dudes with y'all!

I'll start off with Dero from Oomph! Who's band just released their album, which rocks. Their videos are top key too :D!
(I'mma just post the whole band and kill two birds with one stone(though I'd never really kill a bird, I'd feel bad for it))
Oomph!; Dero is in the center
Dero is in the center of the photo, btw.

Who else have I been looking at? Oh yeah, there's the 11,000-year-old Atlantean God named Archeron, but he's a fictional character in a book, so....

I'll post a pic of Bella and Edward from Twilight (can't waits for the movie):
Edward and Bella