20 July 2008

I'm totally with Tash on the warning thing

It's so annoying. But uh, I got other things to discuss...

I just moved three days ago. The house is awesome, I got my own room, and the kitchen is nice. But honestly, I miss the fuck out of the old apartment. Even though I got no privacy and everything drove me crazy, and the dishwasher was broken as fuck, and stuff, I loved it. I lived there for seven years, and I found out who I was there. And I met my friends while living there. I had many fun nights staying up until 4AM in the living room watching Adult Swim, and it was a very cozy place. I almost regretted moving, since I also suggested it to my mom before we found out we could rent this place.

I'm being pathetic and staring at this picture I took of all the boxes laying around the old house, and honestly... That was when it was most comforting. I dunno, I listened to Soundgarden and Pink Floyd like crazy because it was reminding me of old times, and I knew that I wouldn't be there much longer and wanted it to be fun. But even then, I was starting to go through some emotional hell hole, and I still need to find a way to end it. I cried alot the first night we stayed here...

While I love my new room, I dunno if I'll be as happy here as I was over there.

17 July 2008

Content Warning

Ok, this content warning thing...it's pissing me off. If I don't necessarily want to log in, I have to view this piece of shit every time I visit this page. Even if I visited 2 minutes ago and had to go check something before coming back.

Blogger does not allow you to stay logged in after you close the browser. "Remember Me" function only saves the email, and Blogger blocks the browser's option of saving both the login and the password.

I don't want to find something else because everything is set up here and we've got a couple months going already. I like that it's free here too, and it's quick to load. Just logging into MySpace is a hassle, especially at home (takes 5-10 minutes). Blogger is also through Google, so it's neat, and secure.

Finally, taking off that content warning could get us in trouble for slip ups and possibly the name - I dunno, but better safe than sorry.

09 July 2008

Music, lemme say something

So here goes, I was talking to Mr. Lotsa Hair, and I told him about this dream I had one day that got me to listen to Hole again. Because in the dream, their song Pretty On the Inside was playing, and I could recognize it at that time, but didn't really remember which song it was. The next day I listened to the album and it was like... There it is. It has become my favorite Hole song, for a few reasons. I think having that dream made me have some sort of special connection to it. Liiiiike... Something TOLD me I should listen to it! Because why the hell else would it be playing? At that time, it'd been forever since I listened to that band. And now I wonder what the fuck was up with THAT, ya know. I LOVE COURTNEY TOO MUCH TO DO THAT TO HER. You know? Fan devotion. No, I don't care if she's a rail who has a bad weave, she is Courtney, she's not there for you to pick apart while you masturbate to Nicole Richie. USE YOUR HEADS. Not your penis ones, either. D:

And then around that time I mentioned Syd Barrett, because he wrote songs that were like damn fairy tales. And that's probably one way I attach myself to his music so damn hard, he had an imagination that makes me happy. Piper at the Gates of Dawn is basically a folklore book, but with sound. There's a song about a gnome, how is that not just fucking awesome? And this has been beaten to death by the rest of Pink Floyd, but Syd was like a kid. Tripping on LSD, yes, but still a kid. That may also be why his music is all simplistic and has so much happy in it. It all has happy feelings, in each song. Even if it's sad, because it was written by Syd. What I would do to just even look at that man in person.

I mean, even before I got Madcap... I cried over his death. And even months after it happened. The day I found out, I was too freaked out to feel anything. What do you feel when one of the members of your most beloved group dies? This surely isn't a Kurt situation either. Syd had just lived a quiet life for the rest of his years, and apparently his death was in his sleep, thank god. I hope he's with his father, I think that's what triggered him to become to far away from everyone. Not that directly, just something that grew, because I think he died when Syd was 15 or so. And now I'm going so off, I don't think anyone will read this.

JUST REMEMBER! Music is a lovely, lovely thing. And show some respect for people like Syd and Courtney who shoke the ground I stand on. :D

05 July 2008

Dude I'm so sleepy

We've been shopping for ten fucking hours. I got some nice shirts and an awesome clock at Ross. At Ikea, I got a chair, night stand, and soon a bed (once it's not out of stock anymore). And theeeen... And THEEEEN. I dunno. I've been up for a while, it's taken me ten minutes to type this because I absolutely cannot pay attention. The keyboard looks like a nice pillow... Yes. Yes it is a nice pillow. Like the kind at Ikea. Hmmmmm.