18 December 2008

Yo Tashy!

Heeeeeeeeey! But no really. I'm glad that even after this weird angst month of stupid you're all still around. XD I love you all, and like stuff. It'll take a while for me to use common sense when this stuff comes up, but I have you all, so that helps alot...

Having raging hormones really sucks and stuff, ya know? No good decisions are made at 3AM, guys! I learned that the hard and embarassing way. XD Someone should take away my phone plan at night...

16 December 2008

Clever Advertising

Why is cleaver advertising always seen as the worst? Like this ad that was on the London railways...for ps2. So it's on a train telling people to run and jump. But it's for playstation. Lots of times in those games you do have to run and jump from a moving object. It reminds me of the Ratchet and Clank advertisements.

Yo Rachie

We love you. Quit wishing you weren't born. If you wouldn't have been born, we (Layne, AJ, and I) would not have a sister; or at least not one as awesome and cool, and sweet, and funny as you. I know it sucks being a loner, but you do have friends. So they're online? I don't mind, you guys are family. I'd die/kill/fight for you at all costs.

And your twin could very well be in the same situation as you, had she/he made it. You're not the only loner, nor will you be the last. And btw, ftw, I think about my online family more often than my real life friends.

12 December 2008

Jesus Christ


Click that link you dumbass, it's the funniest site I've read in a while. I have NO IDEA what it's really about, but after 5 minutes of looking around, I have a new favorite activity for when I'm procrastinating. Enjoy!

11 December 2008

This apology, fucking accept it

It's almost 1AM and I spent two hours sobbing into a pillow because I realize how much of a hot headed, unpredictably moody person I am. No one likes that. And I've taken it out on my friends... That's not good, either. And for some reason, they don't like accepting my apologies, but I'm gonna do it again anyway.

Oh god, Lightning Crashes just came on... I'm gonna cry again... OK I'M ON A MISSION. I'm sorry, from the very bottom of my ugly, useless heart, I'm SORRY. ES OH AR AR WHY!

I've felt like waste because my twin isn't here, so I don't feel like I should be here either, especially with all the shit I cause. He/she'd be a much better friend and person, but the world just ain't right, so you're left with me. I'm pretty dumb, not talented with anything, and am not that fun to hang around with. But you guys stuck around anyway, god only knows why... And for some reason you're all loyal. To this dumbss loner. I don't know how you do that.

So like, everyday I think of all of you, because being said loner, who else am I gonna wanna be with? And here's the thing, I always convince myelf I've done something to upset you guys. It's dumb, but trust, you never wanna be in my brain when this happens. It. Sucks.

I dont like it, but if I feel like I've done anything to get you guys down, I need to fix it, so I go along with it. It doesn't make sense, but to me it's just how stuff goes. I don't know what it'll take to stop it, because goddamn I'm crazy, but it's not something to take out on anyone... A little help would be nice though, you know someone like me can't do it alone.

I love you all, please, for the love of Odin, just say "I forgive ya", not "YOU DON'T GOTTA BE SORRY LAWL". That is bullshit, sir. I don't deserve the loyalty.

07 December 2008


Yeah uh, AJ calmed my ass down... But on to a new thing.

I've been fucking LONELY AS HELL and I don't like it. I had a meltdown at 5AM after a 20 second attempt at sleeping last night, and I have no idea why. I couldn't talk to anyone, cause everyone's gone. >_> It pisses me off, I'm always the kid with no one to be with. My friends have their actual friends and I'm stuck in my room, imagining how it would feel to run into a wall because I'm just that fucking frustrated. Always gotta be the lonely weird kid...

In Response the Post Below Me

I honestly don't believe anything extraordinary is going to happen in 2012, unless the central bank is planning something catastrophic to happen so they get more money :D. And yes, 9/11 was predicted. <_< Honestly, too much evidence points to that it was planned by someone in our government. WHERE THE FUCK DID THE PLANE OVER PENNSYLVANIA GO? It's not like they got the Bermuda Triangle to use as an excuse. And, yo, the Central bank made money by our government borrowing more money on interest from them to go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan. In way previous years, scientists could have predicted this to happen. Probably right when Woodrow Wilson signed the bill to allow the United States to be come the bank's slave.

05 December 2008

Worrying about 2012... It ain't so great

Just why the hell am I up at 6AM looking up as many articles as I can explaining that the fear over 2012 is nonsense? I know it's all silly and pushed by radicals who have nothing better to do but to make others scared, but sheesh, I'm young... On 2012 I'm only gonna be 18. I wanna, ya know, live a full life. That, along with the idea that everyone would have to watch a giant frozen rock crash into us... Not to pleasent. But I know it isn't true!

But here's the thing; I watched the rerun of that Bible code special on History Channel the other day, and that shit apparently predicted 9/11 and other historical events. It freaks me out that I can't find articles explaining that shit, so I'm gonna bug Ronnie tomorrow about it because he knows a shit ton of scientists and researchers, blah blah blah to point me out to. Like a few days ago, he explained it as a prediction that's meant for a much longer waiting time, or something like that. And other stuff I can't remember.

Guys, I really need a hug...

04 December 2008

I think I'm bi or something

What would you think after realizing the hetero porn does nothing for you? Lezzies and boobs, AMERICA FUCK YEAH *boioioioioiing*

But then after I feel weird about fapping to a chick, I look up some Dethklok porn and all is well... But the fact that it's cartoon porn must mean I have some sort of issue, right? Jebus.

Can't they find hot porn dudes who don't have hairless bodies and aren't either fat or too muscley? And for the love of god, IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU. MAKE THE CHICK GASM!! That's partly why I dislike hetero porn, I don't watch it and go "Wowie, that'd feel sweet". No, it's a chick shoving her hips down a guy's ding dong, while he pounds it in her like he's filling up a fish tank. THAT. DON'T. DO. SHIT. FOR. MY. VAGINA.

Also, seeing as YouPorn is my only option to find porn on until I get my own comp... Yeah... I can't find much good stuff.

And also... How did I spend 3 minutes writing about porn? I was supposed to be in bed two hours ago. <_< ... BYE! :D

02 December 2008


I'm bringing in the cover for y'all...I still have yet to write these articles. And I'm thinking next year I'm gonna write a bunch of stuff instead of doing this all at the end :D. Smart eh?