09 February 2009

I miss my best friend, you're gonna hear about it

Layne has been in basic training for a few days now, has texted us a few times and all is well for him. It makes me feel secure knowing he's not in a nest made of heroin, but here's where I turn on the water works: I MISS HIM.

Look at him and tell me you wouldn't be sad not having the chance to see that face for 6 months! It's making me feel all warm and fuzzy thinking about when he'll be back... He's a very important person to us. And for me, I wouldn't be who I am without him, it sounds kind of extreme but he got me into Sublime and Soundgarden, that's a big deal to me...

Not only those things, but that son of a bitch has been there for me nearly EVERY SINGLE TIME I NEEDED HIM. A few times he missed cause he was drunk or had his brain turned to mush over a girl, but he still gave a damn. I wouldn't have too much confidence without him, life would be boring, I would have nothing to look forward to as a 12 year old... He's so fucking fun to talk to, even when there's nothing to say (if anyone gets that extremely small pun, you get a cookie). In the early days when no one had responsibilities and when he first started at Sam Ash, we'd talk until fucking 5AM, sometimes one on one, sometime in our group. Those were memories staring at a computer, sure, but they make my heart burst with happy. And a few weeks ago, me and him talked on the phone until 7AM, and were on cam. We saw ourselves falling asleep and our voices couldn't hold up any more, and he still gave me a speech about confidence and not turning into anyone's door mat, and I wish I could thank him for that right now. Maybe when he comes back, I might just write something here.

But here's something, it's 5AM and I need to go to bed, I'm full of happy and an itchy head. I love Private Wiebalck to fucking death and nothing can get in the way of that, because that short cranky bastard is one in a million.

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