16 January 2009

Courtney Love made a joke about Jews, EVERYONE FUCKING LOSES IT

Kso, she did an interview with Heeb magazine and said something about how the money paid for Nirvana CDs only goes to Jew laywers and bankers, and the comments on it were like "I'm gonna burn Live Through This! Fuck her!". I love how people pretend they've never cracked a joke about races.

And listen, I'm pretty bias because I fucking adore Courtney. She's my hero. But I also didn't give a shit when Mel Gibson got shit faced and said stupid stuff to that cop. And there might be other examples I can't think of, but generally, when someone makes a racial joke, it doesn't fucking matter to me! I make as mean jokes about spics as possible, I am one. Dave Chappelle writes awesome skits about blacks, and somehow talking about Jews is on a whole different level than saying "black folk are taking all our chicken"? Please. Also, the woman's half Jewish, it doesn't fucking matter.

I might sound real dumb, but I'm so sick of this shit. I will make jokes about whoever I want, it doesn't mean anything. It's like saying "I hate you!" when someone has something you want. It's playing around. And if you wanna get deep into history and oppression of different people, fine and dandy. I'll talk about that. But don't turn a joke into something much deeper than it is, especially if it's a stereotype joke.

Edit: In the same interview, she claimed to be part Cuban. MY LIFE. IS FUCKING. COMPLETE.

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