25 April 2008

Green hair, I has it (and you dooooon't!)

Muhahahaha! I also got some streaks in my bangs. It's fierce and all that gay shit.

23 April 2008

Yes, Origins

I totally agree with Rachel on that. It is very important to know and be proud of your origins. I'm a fanatic when it comes to learning stuff about my ancestral countries: France and Germany (technically England as well, but that's because of my biological father who was in jail when I was born...). My name is Russian (Natasha/Наташа) so I also have desires to learn about Russian culture and history which was so similar to European culture with the Tzars, but it was still a whole nother world. Especially now with all their secrecy after the terrible reign of Stalin.

See, I like Hitler more than Stalin (but not for the Jew thing, that was completely fucked). But Hitler brought Germany out of economic depression. You know, think about that American depression and make it two times worse...That's Germany's depression (and how we punished them for World War 1, just begged for Germany to over power half of Europe). The entire reason Hitler got to power was a combination of that economic depression (which I suppose was in turn caused by the aftermath of WW1). And another thing about the Jew deal, half of me thinks that Hitler didn't really "hate" the Jews, but he used the public's feelings towards the Jews for leverage (makes sense doesn't it?).

But alas, there is more to Germany. Wie sprechen Deutsch. Deutche ist fatastisch. Es ist meinen zweite Sprach, und jetzt Latein ist meinen Dritte. Anywho, back to English. As you can see, I need help with German even still. My vocabulary list is very small in comparison to what I would actually need. Germany is beautiful as well. I was there in the summer of 2006, after I graduated high school, and all the landscapes and scenery were fabulous. I absolutely love castles, and I would live in one if I could. I also got to go to Switzerland and I think I found the place that I wish to be my final destination in this world: Vitznau. The town is completely surrounded by mountains, and the easiest way to get from Vitznau to a larger city, is by boat across the brilliantly blue lake.

I need to take Rachel here. I think she would love it. I totally can't wait until both of us have more money and the ability to travel together. I would absolutely love sharing a trip somewhere with Rachel.

And alas, it is time for me to watch a video about Ancient Egypt. It should be fabulous. I'll spout my mouth off again.

22 April 2008

20 April 2008

CABRONA!! (My journey to learning about my heritage, part one of whatever)

As some know, I'm Cuban and Sicillian. I'm obseeeeessed with learning about where I come from and knowing more about myself, because I'm extremely selfish and into myself way too much. That never stops me! No sir. This will just be little doodles about tid bits of things that I learn about my backrounds. And it begiiiins.

Last night, I spent like a billion hours listening to Ibrahim Ferrer while looking up stuff on Celia Cruz and Jose Marti. It doesn't seem like much, especially getting all the info off Wiki, but I barely knew anyone or anything that had to do with that part of my heritage in the first place. The Cuban side of my family is very... Distant from us. They mean well, but they just aren't there. I would love to be able to hear stories from my grandparents about Cuba, alas grandma doesn't know English. But my grandpa does, but I dunno how I can learn anything from them about how the island's like. I wanna know the history, leaders, wars, political stuff, all that. I guess the next time I'm at their house, I'll ask. Grandma has many books about Cuba, but they're all in Spanish, and alas, I only know English... Which makes me sad. I hate not being able to curse people out in spic rage while singing old salsa tunes to myself. There are these rare times when I used to see my grandma cleaning around the house, singing to herself. They were brief and short, but were nice. My granda misses being in Cuba, but I also feel like she's angry. Totally, her sister died there a few years ago, and many months passed before she knew. She's been in America with my grandpa for a little over 40 years, and there are many relatives I don't even know of, and hell, there's people here in the family who I don't know (even less than the people I've seen since I was a baby).

And then, while my grandparents are a great knowledge of their lovely homeland, I guess the second/third generation really isn't into it as I am now. Or maybe I think that because I don't know them very much... The second generation, my mom and her sisters, they were raised old school Latins. They all know fluent Spanish AND English (homg no wai!?), pretty aware of their upbringing as crazy spics. Third generation, me, brother, and my cousins, we know of our backrounds, but we don't know much. We all speak a little bit of broken Spanish. Even though I, and I myself, get picked on for not knowing much. Seriously, it's like favoritism or some shit, they never pick on my older cousin and she speaks as gringo as I do! It pisses me off. ANYWAY. Now that I'm aware of how lost our generation is, and I mean the general teenage population, I need to give you all a giant bitch-slap. READ HISTORY BOOKS, yeeeeeesh. I don't even know much history on ANYTHING other than music, but really. You all disappoint me. Which is why I was born, to bitch slap you all into USING YOUR FUCKING BRAINS. Or at least I mean that much in my own brain.

Ok, ON TO WHY THIS IS ALL A BIG DEAL TO ME. I'll be honest, it's because I started listening to the Mars Volta. A spic band, yes. Wiki them! Omar Rodriguez is from Puerto Rico, and in many interveiws he talks about how it's like to be an akward Hispanic kid. Which, makes me feel good to know I'm not alone. And that's pretty bad, I live in fucking south Florida. He has much more knowledge of Latin shit than I've ever even heard from my family. He talks about how music is the thing that drives our cultures, so and so. I wish I knew that, my family surely didn't get that. The grandparents like old Latin music, yes. But I rarely hear it coming out of their house, or from anyone else in the family. It makes me sad, honestly. I don't have that tight-knit spic family that every other kid has. I love them all, I try as hard as I can to get them to sorta understand me and why I do things that they find weird, but it doesn't... Wooork. They love me very much, but they don't show it. And with what my grandma has dealt with, I'm not gonna blame her, for some reason. The rest can do a HELL of a better job making it look like they give one shit, though (minus all the elders, of course. They get a free pass for being awesome).

AND SO, as Omar has taught me, being in touch with where you come from is importent. And it really is, I'm learning about myself, my family, everything around me. I'm still very naive, but I'm at least trying. Tryyyyyyying, something not many people do. Latins kids here these days don't know how to speak Spanish, or care who Jose Marti is. They're givin a bullshit image of what it's like to be Latin by Pitbull and Jennifer Lopez, both of whom I dislike. Highly. And they're all into this whole ghetto shit, thinking that coming from Hialeah means that they're special. I was born in Hialeah, it's not a fucking ghetto. At least it wasn't when I was little. It was dirty, but there wasn't this whole tribe of kids in baggy shorts and jerseys who though they were Scarface. THIS IS WHY MIAMI IS WONDERFUL, ugh. These kids don't know their culture, or how much it meant back then. You know, when people were fighting for something importent, for something that needed change. These days, everyone is concered about stupid shit. Must I go on about my tree hugger ways again? DO I HAVE TO CONVERT YOU TO REUSABLE SHOPPING BAGS!? Uh... Ok.

Bottom line: I am Cuban, and am fucking proud. I will learn how to speak Spanish, will learn about the island's history, get as much info as I can from my grandparents at any chance I get, learn the music, and most importently, try to get my family to pay attention to what I have to say instead of brushing me off like I'm nothing. I want to show that I give a shit.

Next time, my Sicillian roots will be discussed! Oh, and it will be LOOOOONG.

Well, uh, Hi and Stuff

Alrighty, it is about 11pm and i should have been sleeping an hour ago. oh well, since when do I do what I'm supposed to? Haha, never. I follow my own rules of existence and pick up and form my own philosophy by learning about the ancient religions. You know, Ancient Egypt with Isis, Ra, Osiris, all those folks; Greek/Roman with Juno, Jupiter, Mars...and all those folkies. I'm very interested in the oldest things. I've recently got a glimpse into the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Very intriguing.

Hehe, lines up with me wanting to know the oldest of languages too. If I could, I'd learn the ancient Egyptian spoken word...but as we all know, that will never happen :'(. Oh and I have to visit so many places before I die in my mountains...Vladivostok, Rome, Berlin, Paris, Moscow, Vienna, Cairo, Milan, and other cities that I have yet to learn of.

But alas, it's time for me to sleep. I get to clean a yogurt machine tomorrow morning (1.5 hr job, that I get 3 hrs to do). Cya folks tomorrow (You can tell I'm from Minnesota now, can't you?)


HAPPY 420!

Duuuuuude. Yay. Have a good day, everyone. 8D

My frustration with sweatshops, cheap clothing, and the guilt of it all

So it's 5AM, and I have spent about three hours reading up on sweatshops and those faaaabulous Louis Vittoun knock offs my aunt has been buying since the beginning of time. I know almost everything we buy is made in China, Cambodia, India, EVERY FUCKING THIRD WORLD COUNTRY. But you know what? I think it has to stop. Yeeeeeeah. Although that really is impossible, at least people should look into these things and not support it.

Everytime I wanna buy a piece of clothing, I feel like I'm making some child's life in China worse or something. And ya know why? Because I am. Because everyone is, because for some reason we can't make our own damn clothes. Hell, even the designer stuff isn't completely made in Europe by tailors.

And honestly, I barely know anything about this subject. But it's been on my mind alot lately, I'm trying to figure out what I can do to help and what choices I have. I wanna learn to sew to make my own clothes, I wanna find small shops that make their clothes in America, I wanna find ways to help... I dunno how. It makes me feel hopeless, guilty, like I'm walking in a giant puddle of filth that the world has made for itself, and will not fix. In other words, happy 420 everyone, I'm a giant fucking hippie who everyone's gonna laugh at because I don't like buying stuff from China that's being made by childern who shouldn't be making our fucking clothes, DO YOU HEAR ME!?

... I feel alone on this issue. My dad already tells me "But everything's made in China, who cares?" I think if we had the choice, none of what we use would be made in those countries, especially not by people in dangerous conditions, who die from over working. It's kinda like how everyone shops are Wal-Mart, just because. Or how people use plastic bags when they go shopping because "I don't wanna be the weirdo with the tree hugger bags!"

Uuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Listen, motherfuckers. These days, no one is buying shit, the economy, as everyone knows, is getting ass raped, and basically we're in a deep load of shit. But NO ONE FUCKING CAAAARES, right? Because you'd all rather watch what Paris Hilton is doing and wasting away your lives reading People magazine. And yes, I am seriously into this, to the point of looking like a fool because I'm sooooo into it, and like shit.

Everyone just thinks it's ok to live in the filth we made that should be fixed. Like, "Well, we can't do anything about it ahahahahahaaaaa", no bitch. You caaaaan, you CAAAAAAN!!!! Fuck.

Bottom line, get off your fucking asses and do something about it. It won't ever be completely fixed, of course, but we can do something to slow it down, possibly make changes so sweatshops actually become normal humane working places, and so people working in said factories can get good pay. See where I'm going with this? Loooovely, lovely.

So, now that I let that out, I'm gonna ask my mom to teach me how to sew... Once it's not 5AM anymore, of course. Nighty.

19 April 2008

So I went to a feeestival

It was fun. We went with my dad's friend and his family, and OMFG I GOT SOFT SERVE ICE CREAM. Highlight of the trip. Then liiike, I had a corn cobb and then a shish k-bob of pork, and like shit. It was fun, a little weird, but yeeeeah.

And may I mention THE AMOUNT OF FUCKING HOT GUYS!? Yes. I will, in fact, mention it. Omgmyvaginawasalmosttoohappy.

AND THAT, my friends, is what I did today. Then we had to listen to my dad's drunken directions back home. D: And now, I'm gonna go liiiiike... Eat. Yeah. Night.

18 April 2008

Jaco Pastorius IS AMAZING.

No, really. If anyone thinks otherwise, well uh, as a hippie, I say good for them. As a bitch, I say, YOUR TASTE IN MUSIC FUCKING SUCKS. Bring on the haterade, guys.


WTF! Dude I just used the word "fancy" in a sentence to Rachel. I am not English. Not that it matters but I think I'm picking up too much of the English manner of speaking. I like it. It's more...trilling than American English. American is very grotesque. I love elegance.

I also propose that I learn Latin, Italian, French, Romanian and Russian. Possibly Greek, but that may be too many. :) We'll see where life takes me. I MUST see Vladivostok, Russia. I don't entirely know why, but I think it will be beautiful. I also have the desire to feel Russian penis. So this must happen BEFORE or in between relationships.

Man, I need to learn to trust and how to be social. I'm always so tired at the end of the day and have no motivation. I'd rather sleep most of the time. I think I'm frightened of something, but I don't know what. As far as dating, I pretend like this wall of trust (this is like that metal wall that the Doctor in that episode with the Slitheen trying to blow up Downing Street comes down and seals the room from attack) doesn't exist. It doesn't become active until I get into the relationship (usually the whore in me gets me into a relationship, it's really bad I know). I'm truly like this super shy chick who has this inner whore that's always screaming to get out. I rarely let it out. Twice this happened. I don't regret it, don't get me wrong. What's the point in regretting any experience, it's an experience and you learn from it. But yes, this is my problem. I hate it.

Ok I shall be done now.

Наташа (Natasha)

Time for me to complain about nothing.

OK. Hello assholes, it's Rach. I HAVE NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT, and at the same time, EVERYTHING to say.

So like, eating cinnamon donuts maaaaay not be the best thing to eat, but fuck it. Ronnie would've eaten them all if I hadn't took 2 for myself. AND I STILL GOT ANOTHER HALF TO EAT. Craaazy, right? I need some cranberry juice, fuck this! Plus I'm listening to some crazy bitch from the Mars Volta sing in Spanish, so now I got constant farting problems. Good song, though. PLUS, I'm wearing a hair clip, which is pretty rare of me. Anyway.

Soooo, you know how liiiike, sometimes when good things happen to your friends, you get sorta pissed because you want that certain thing to happen to yooooou? Yeah, that shit is RAGING. I hate it. I'm a horrible cunt, but it happens. Sometimes you just gotta look in the mirror and say, "No, I will NOT live in a van down by the river, I will live in a pretenious artsy fuck of an apartment, painting my walls purple and scribbling cartoons all over them, WHILE QUIETLY EATING RAMEN. Shrimp flavor, too. Fuck beef." You know? I've had many, MANY, moments like that. In fact, they happens almost everyday, because suburban boredom is hard. You know? You knooooow? It really is. Because honestly, THIS IS AN APARTMENT COMPLEX, there's nothing to do. No front yard, only a parking lot with spics who can't drive. Yes, I'm a spic myself, don't get up in arms.

And the backyard is a nice lake, but my parents think that pedobear is gonna snatch me if I walk out there by myself, so blah. But dude, if I had my own rooooom, I'd have 10x more fun than I do now. I can haz privacy? No? Damn.

I still got a 1/4th of this donut... Should I eat it? My ass is cooking up a raging storm of fudge, I'm not sure if I should. Mmmm, just took a bite. It's yummy. But my ass is like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!". I DON'T CARE WHAT MY ASS THINKS. Unless it has diharrea, of course, then I have no choice. If diharrea was a choice, I'd like, ya know, not have it and stuff. But I don't get it often. I eat my fiber like a good girl! This house is ran by a bunch of raging hippies who use those re-usable grocery bags, I FUCKING SWEAR. It makes me feel importent or some shit, but even with the ego it gives me, everyone should use those. The landfills need a hug, guys.

Aaaaaaaand, I think I'm done for now. I'M GONNA GO SHIT AND DRINK SOYMILK. And then wish I had awesome hair like Omar Rodriguez. Seriously, that's the best afro I've ever seen.

Byyyyyye. *click*

PS: Finished that donut.

17 April 2008

Possible How-To Projects and Important Links

How-To Projects...alright this is for class actually. My assignment is to come up with a how-to idea and illustrate/animate that through the use of Adobe Flash. Being a part of the Tin Foil Army, I have come up with several ideas based around that:

How to perform an act of Idiocy (once incorporated into the Tin Foil Army):

  1. Get into your Uniform

    • TFA Battle Jacket

    • TFA Pants

    • TFA Hat

  2. Plan out your stunt

  3. Get into position

  4. Pounce!

    • Be sure to be noticed

    • Keep mental note of whatever goes down

  5. Be sure your stunt is on purpose

    • Performing a dumbass stunt may end in extermination

  6. Write your report

  7. Turn in you report to your superior for review

  8. Celebrate with a pack of Fierce Sticks and Tin Foil Brew

Ok, I'll just list of the other options:

  1. How to prepare for TFA Basic Training

  2. How to get accepted into the Tin Foil Army

Ok, now for some links:

16 April 2008

Some Tin Foil Army Product Ideas

Fierce Sticks (yes...weed...(only if it was legal))
Cum flavored dolphin popsicles
Vagina Scented Oil
Vagino: the small dinosaur that crawls up there and cleans the clog

15 April 2008

Yes hello again

This time, the one typing is Tash. Yes it's true, i've started a blog (wtf...first gayspace now this!) This blog will contain posts from me and my sister (no blood relation). so......Welcome to our world!

Like oh my goooosh, you guys

Hi hi. 8D WELCOME TO VAGINA CLOG. I'm Rachel, the second half of this fabulous place. And uh, I just signed in for the first time, so like, In dunno...

So yeah, I'm gonna go listen to the Mars Volta and stuff pizza down my throat while Tashy makes a fabulous layout. Byyyyye.

Hola-Guten Tag

Oh this is too fabulous. Fierce and Fabulous. wheee.