23 April 2008

Yes, Origins

I totally agree with Rachel on that. It is very important to know and be proud of your origins. I'm a fanatic when it comes to learning stuff about my ancestral countries: France and Germany (technically England as well, but that's because of my biological father who was in jail when I was born...). My name is Russian (Natasha/Наташа) so I also have desires to learn about Russian culture and history which was so similar to European culture with the Tzars, but it was still a whole nother world. Especially now with all their secrecy after the terrible reign of Stalin.

See, I like Hitler more than Stalin (but not for the Jew thing, that was completely fucked). But Hitler brought Germany out of economic depression. You know, think about that American depression and make it two times worse...That's Germany's depression (and how we punished them for World War 1, just begged for Germany to over power half of Europe). The entire reason Hitler got to power was a combination of that economic depression (which I suppose was in turn caused by the aftermath of WW1). And another thing about the Jew deal, half of me thinks that Hitler didn't really "hate" the Jews, but he used the public's feelings towards the Jews for leverage (makes sense doesn't it?).

But alas, there is more to Germany. Wie sprechen Deutsch. Deutche ist fatastisch. Es ist meinen zweite Sprach, und jetzt Latein ist meinen Dritte. Anywho, back to English. As you can see, I need help with German even still. My vocabulary list is very small in comparison to what I would actually need. Germany is beautiful as well. I was there in the summer of 2006, after I graduated high school, and all the landscapes and scenery were fabulous. I absolutely love castles, and I would live in one if I could. I also got to go to Switzerland and I think I found the place that I wish to be my final destination in this world: Vitznau. The town is completely surrounded by mountains, and the easiest way to get from Vitznau to a larger city, is by boat across the brilliantly blue lake.

I need to take Rachel here. I think she would love it. I totally can't wait until both of us have more money and the ability to travel together. I would absolutely love sharing a trip somewhere with Rachel.

And alas, it is time for me to watch a video about Ancient Egypt. It should be fabulous. I'll spout my mouth off again.

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