20 April 2008

My frustration with sweatshops, cheap clothing, and the guilt of it all

So it's 5AM, and I have spent about three hours reading up on sweatshops and those faaaabulous Louis Vittoun knock offs my aunt has been buying since the beginning of time. I know almost everything we buy is made in China, Cambodia, India, EVERY FUCKING THIRD WORLD COUNTRY. But you know what? I think it has to stop. Yeeeeeeah. Although that really is impossible, at least people should look into these things and not support it.

Everytime I wanna buy a piece of clothing, I feel like I'm making some child's life in China worse or something. And ya know why? Because I am. Because everyone is, because for some reason we can't make our own damn clothes. Hell, even the designer stuff isn't completely made in Europe by tailors.

And honestly, I barely know anything about this subject. But it's been on my mind alot lately, I'm trying to figure out what I can do to help and what choices I have. I wanna learn to sew to make my own clothes, I wanna find small shops that make their clothes in America, I wanna find ways to help... I dunno how. It makes me feel hopeless, guilty, like I'm walking in a giant puddle of filth that the world has made for itself, and will not fix. In other words, happy 420 everyone, I'm a giant fucking hippie who everyone's gonna laugh at because I don't like buying stuff from China that's being made by childern who shouldn't be making our fucking clothes, DO YOU HEAR ME!?

... I feel alone on this issue. My dad already tells me "But everything's made in China, who cares?" I think if we had the choice, none of what we use would be made in those countries, especially not by people in dangerous conditions, who die from over working. It's kinda like how everyone shops are Wal-Mart, just because. Or how people use plastic bags when they go shopping because "I don't wanna be the weirdo with the tree hugger bags!"

Uuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Listen, motherfuckers. These days, no one is buying shit, the economy, as everyone knows, is getting ass raped, and basically we're in a deep load of shit. But NO ONE FUCKING CAAAARES, right? Because you'd all rather watch what Paris Hilton is doing and wasting away your lives reading People magazine. And yes, I am seriously into this, to the point of looking like a fool because I'm sooooo into it, and like shit.

Everyone just thinks it's ok to live in the filth we made that should be fixed. Like, "Well, we can't do anything about it ahahahahahaaaaa", no bitch. You caaaaan, you CAAAAAAN!!!! Fuck.

Bottom line, get off your fucking asses and do something about it. It won't ever be completely fixed, of course, but we can do something to slow it down, possibly make changes so sweatshops actually become normal humane working places, and so people working in said factories can get good pay. See where I'm going with this? Loooovely, lovely.

So, now that I let that out, I'm gonna ask my mom to teach me how to sew... Once it's not 5AM anymore, of course. Nighty.

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