16 January 2009

Courtney Love made a joke about Jews, EVERYONE FUCKING LOSES IT

Kso, she did an interview with Heeb magazine and said something about how the money paid for Nirvana CDs only goes to Jew laywers and bankers, and the comments on it were like "I'm gonna burn Live Through This! Fuck her!". I love how people pretend they've never cracked a joke about races.

And listen, I'm pretty bias because I fucking adore Courtney. She's my hero. But I also didn't give a shit when Mel Gibson got shit faced and said stupid stuff to that cop. And there might be other examples I can't think of, but generally, when someone makes a racial joke, it doesn't fucking matter to me! I make as mean jokes about spics as possible, I am one. Dave Chappelle writes awesome skits about blacks, and somehow talking about Jews is on a whole different level than saying "black folk are taking all our chicken"? Please. Also, the woman's half Jewish, it doesn't fucking matter.

I might sound real dumb, but I'm so sick of this shit. I will make jokes about whoever I want, it doesn't mean anything. It's like saying "I hate you!" when someone has something you want. It's playing around. And if you wanna get deep into history and oppression of different people, fine and dandy. I'll talk about that. But don't turn a joke into something much deeper than it is, especially if it's a stereotype joke.

Edit: In the same interview, she claimed to be part Cuban. MY LIFE. IS FUCKING. COMPLETE.

11 January 2009

Louder Than Love: Why it's better than most things

I was about to make a hot dog and suddenly I thought of Uncovered, off Louder Than Love, Soundgarden's album that is basically an orgasm made into music. Listen, I was convinced to listen to this as my introduction to Soundgarden one night when I was talking to Crunchy. Luckily, for whatever reason, mom bought this on a whim when we went out one day and OH HO, IT WAS THERE FOR THE PICKING.

So at the wonderful age of 12, with my terrible insomnia and new found chronic depression, I listened to this at, I think, 1AM and my mind EXPLODED ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE. This was my source of life for a long time, along with Mario Kart and Metalocalypse. Those were good times that I miss like a motherfucker. We lived at the old place, aka the ex I will stalk and think about forever. During that time, it'd rain alot, or get cold, and I had red hair, and was in 7th grade and hated education like you couldn't possibly understand...

This album got me through the day when I was bored, tired, aching, annoyed, upset, and when my eyes were about to pop out of my skull from whatever. My body really doesn't feel good most of the time. But the memories I think of when I listen to this album mean the entire world to me. After this, and today, I am a strong Soundgarden fan and Chris Cornell needs to stop making bad solo albums (minus his first, IT'S GOD, THAT ONE) and get back to his roots for a bit. Also... Ok you know what, I'll say it straight up, REUNITE SOUNDGARDEN FOR A TOUR JESUS GOD ODIN ALLAH BUDDHA UUUUUUUUUUGH.

To get off from the negative for a bit, and to take my mind off that hot mess called Project Revolution, Louder Than Love was just another gateway to understanding what time I was going through, and gave life back to music for me. I'm only almost 15, listening to this takes me back to what seems like centuries. Lots of things changed since then, I miss it alot. For now, I'm gonna pretend to be 12, and everyone can shut it.

10 January 2009

<3 Monty

Monty's my record spinny. Right now it's playing Appetite for Destruction, and it's much better this way than on CD. I remember why this struck me so hard when I was 10. I'm also listening to the Pixies and trying out Bad Brains. <3 pretending to live 20 years ago.

I dunno if I can listen to CDs anymore and be like "Hmmmm nice". I'll nerd out and go "Yeah it's remastered, but it's not QWUALITY." Yes, quality with a W. Because that's how my dad says it when he's gushing over something... It's strange to hear.

Also, I worked my fingers into a tizzy with this scale shit. The pinky is the lazist little fucker! Always making the E string buzz. And the end of my index finger stings, but it'll be worth it in five years. <_<

Also, to leave you all with something awesome Chloe said long ago: "God hates me! The feeling is mutual!"

06 January 2009

Puppy Chow

This is my favorite and a great party hit for any age, I promise. It's also pretty neat for like a cookie bake or for holiday parties.

12 oz Crispex or crispy hexagons XD (some people like to use rice chex)
1 C Peanut Butter
2 C (12 oz) Semisweet Chocolate chips
1/4 C (1 stick) Butter (or margarine if you like fakey stuff)
Powdered sugar (almost a full normal-sized bag)

Melt the peanut butter, chocolate chips, and butter together. Put the crispex into a grocery bag/large pale (ice cream pale works well) and pour the melted mixture over the cereal. Shake/stir it up (shaking is easier) until all the cereal is coated. Start adding powdered sugar gradually and shaking until all the pieces are covered with powdered sugar. There ya go...you're finally able to eat it!

Oriental Salad

Ok I found this in a church cookbook, and I think my grandma had made it for a family gathering (or something similar). The author of this one was "Ann in the English Department at University of California, Irvine, on page 77 of the St Joseph's Parish Cookbook: Heavenly Scents of an unknown year.

Salad ingredients
1/2 head chunked cabbage
1 pkg ramen noodles (this recommends chicken flavor)
2 T toasted sesame seeds
1/2 C toasted slivered almonds
3-4 minced green onions

3 T sugar
3 T vinegar
1/2 C oil
1/4 t pepper
1/2 t salt (or to taste, imo)
Flavoring pkt from ramen noodles

Combine and shake well. Crumble ramen noodles. Mix dressing and chill. Just before serving, combine cabbage, ramen, sesame seeds, almonds, and onions. Add dressing last.

My grandma had toasted the ramen noodles as well, btw.

It's a new year, POST SOMETHING

C'mon... It may only be the 6th, but there's still so much to bitch about this year. Like; I miss 2008, the slightly uneasy feeling, IT'S THE LAST YEAR OF THIS DECADE. I feel fucking strange knowing that I remember living through these past ten years. I'll be 15 though, so I shouldn't feel so old... <_<

But when this decade is over, what do we call it? We have the 80's and 90's, you call them by their number. But no one says the 2000's, they say new millenium(I totally spelled that wrong). What happens when it's over? It's not new anymore! Plus the rest of the century... <_< Which uh, I hope brings more good than bad. If it does, I'll be willing to live a little longer than I have planned. But if I have to see this place slowly turn into the Jensens, I'm out this bitch.

Btw, Throwing Copper = <333