10 January 2009

<3 Monty

Monty's my record spinny. Right now it's playing Appetite for Destruction, and it's much better this way than on CD. I remember why this struck me so hard when I was 10. I'm also listening to the Pixies and trying out Bad Brains. <3 pretending to live 20 years ago.

I dunno if I can listen to CDs anymore and be like "Hmmmm nice". I'll nerd out and go "Yeah it's remastered, but it's not QWUALITY." Yes, quality with a W. Because that's how my dad says it when he's gushing over something... It's strange to hear.

Also, I worked my fingers into a tizzy with this scale shit. The pinky is the lazist little fucker! Always making the E string buzz. And the end of my index finger stings, but it'll be worth it in five years. <_<

Also, to leave you all with something awesome Chloe said long ago: "God hates me! The feeling is mutual!"

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