29 May 2008

OMG Vagino (Lol I Almost Typed Vagina)

The image explains everything


Ok, the first 3 was accidental, but then I didn't feel like correcting it, so I made it seem on purpose. God I'm a slacker. I've slacked off all quarter. I'm probably going to fail at least one class. I think I need a daily planner. Even my iPod is a slacker. Fucker won't quit being corrupted (thanks to a stupid, slow ass, old Mac).

But OMG, I have a Nesquik Milkshake and chocolate milk. I also have Famous Amos cookies and some Archer Farms snack mix with white and dark chocolate and a touch of cayenne pepper. So yummy.

I'm so tired and for no reason. Well, except I had 7.5 hrs of sleep after a pretty active day. I had to clean the yogurt machines and then my boss suckered me into staying for an additional 3 hours to help stock the shelves. During this time I was originally supposed to go to my dad's house. I would have much preferred that over stocking. I didn't get home until 11:00pm. :p.

ANYway, I think I should head back to doing some sort of school work. I just needed this break, even though my brain still is functioning more than I want it to.

23 May 2008

I had a fabulous day (FABULOUS)

First of all; the fabulous dress from Target!

MOVING ON: Kso, I got Rosenrot by Rammstein, it's fabulous. Then me and mom read up on our astrological signs, it was fabulous. Then we went and ate at Panera Bread, it was FIERCE AS HELL. I reccomend the turkey artichoke. Then we went to Target, fabulousness. I got that dress AND pants, that were on CLEARENCE GAIZ. They're awesome. And now I'm home, being fabulous. And tomorrow, we'll be going to the beach and a comic convention. All fabulous.
Also, phones. They too are fabulous, when talking to your best friends. <3

22 May 2008


I need to have AJ and Rachel online at the same time. Unfortunately, I think I have to wait another hour or so. I wanna spill the beans about what's been happening in the last couple days here, but I don't want to until I talk to Rachel. I'd also like to talk to Layne, again...but go figure.

So for now, I must continue trying to get a project done for this class...<_< whoops.:D

21 May 2008

Till Lindemann, I'd do him (and I did)

I had the best dream EVAR. Lemme tell you all!

So I keep going back and forth to my aunt's old room and my folks's room, but I'm with... Raaaaammstein. And we hang out alot, I dunno what in the hell we were doing, but when we were in my aunt's room, I guess... There was something with dolls? And death? I dunno, I vaguely remember. And then we were in my parent's room, at night, and there were fucking PYGMIES and BIRDS on the porch. Don't ask me, please. BUT! ... Me and Till and Richard and Paul slept in the bed together. >_> Dunno why. But then me and Till did the nasty while Rich and Paul snoozed. And then I fucking woke up! D:<


Also, there were a bunch of books laying around, they all belonged to someone and had the names of people that the book's owner loved the most. Weeeeird.

And that was my day. I NEED A VIBRATOR, DAMMIT!

19 May 2008

kdzhvjksdbvkdjdjkfbgdfbgf (I lack any source of penis, yay)

WHY IS MASTURBATING SO HARD!? <_< Seriously, I would like to know what goes on with my own vagina, it's complicated as fuck. You ladies sure know a thing or two.


But, I gotta go to bed. Yeah. I'll complain to Tash later, good night.

16 May 2008


I love this girl. She's totally my sister. I come on here to read what she writes and I'm like fist pumping and laughing my ass off while I try to hold in my coughing. This is a fabulous way to start off a day. Honestly. Ok, I have to go to work now, but I'll be back later to finish either this thought or a new thought that pops into my head like...why do people hate Chris McCandless so much?...<_< yeah...

14 May 2008

Robert Downey Jr., let's talk about him

Then have a giant circle jerk because even mentioning him makes my girly parts happy. I'm totally late on the "OMFG HE'S HOT" train because I'm not a married woman in my 30's who saw him in whatever movies he was in, but I saw Iron Man a few weeks ago and thought, "Wow, I'd really like to fuck him." I have such manners.

Kso, as Tash tries to kill me for basically making this place my online diary, here is some manly sweatly hottness of manly. Enjoy. 8D

13 May 2008

I'm on the verge of a breakdown, so listen

My best friend is going off to the army in like, seven days. SEVEN FUCKING DAYS. And you know what happens? His computer breaks, so he's only able to log on to AIM on a friend's phone, and said phone sucks. But that's not the problem or reason (completely) as to why I'm about to rip my guts out.

I've been talking to him for two years. And in those two years, I met someone who changed my point of view to most things. A person who actually liked talking to me when I have problems. <.< Someone who tolerated me enough to actually call me their sister (when in the fuck does that happen? In my life, at least?). A person who introduced me to No Doubt and Sublime! A person who I call, a silly bitch, skank, man whore, near homosexual, short person, funny grungey, and most importently, my best friend and brother. QUE THE VIOLINS.

Ok ok, I'm very sappy. Extremely, I GOT IT FROM HIM GUYS. But when you're constantly talking to someone for a few years straight, telling them things you normally would never tell your own family, shit like this is gonna be hard. Especially since he'll be gone and come back when I'm 18. I'M 14. And then I have these questions I ask myself. Like, is he gonna change? Is he gonna forget us when he comes back, and never log in to tell us about shit that happened, or even care to see us? Will he turn into a grade A hillbilly who's racist? D:

I HOOOPE he reads this stuff, so he can answer my questions. Alas, he only has a phone to use. But when he logs in, I'll ask him... But I wanna talk to him really badly. I didn't really get to tonight, because all he had to talk about was almost getting arrested. And honestly... That would be slightly better than not seeing him for four years. <_<

Plus, we can't contact him when he's gone. He'll only be able to send letters, and since his computer went plop, HOW WILL HE KNOW MY ADDRESS!? I'll tell him tomorrow dsjbcsjdsjkcbnsksd.

BUT WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY; I'm going to miss him like a motherfucker, and will cry everytime I listen to Pearl Jam, because he reminds me of Eddie Vedder. <_< AND I will miss talking to him, AND I'll have no one to go to when I have problems, AND I'm being selfish, AND I will cry into my pillow everynight because I'm a mellodramatic freak. UGH I MISS HIM ALREADY.

Night, it;s 3AM. D8

11 May 2008

Feminism, and why we aren't trying to kill off men (seriously, fucking stop with that shit)

Lemme explain something here; I am a Hole loving, enviornmentally causious, animal activist-y, women's right's fight-y, not-afraid-to-use-the-term-feminist person. You know why? The term feminist has been so raped up the ass, no one even knows what it meant it the first place and why it's importent. Because chicks didn't always have the right to go out wearing pants, saying what they felt, vote, divorce abusive husbands, have a say in how their lives would be. And this was only about 50 years ago. Then the wonderful 60's came, and us girlies wanted to be able to wear skirts that came up above the knees and have the right to not have to wear bras because the world somehow see's our bodies as offensive.

Listen, my body is not something you can tell me to cover up if I don't want to. Tits and ass, I have them. Accept it you damn crazies. <_> My vagina isn't going away, my boobs aren't gonna somehow always be covered for your protection from whatever the fuck, my ass is gonna be big and I will not change a THING to please any of you, just because it scares you. The hell.

Even in an age when people think that sexism, racism, and homophobia is basically gone... That's completely wrong. Chicks are still expected to be nice, quiet and not loud and to be a "respectful" girlfriend/wife that way. The blacks and Hispanics are accused of many crimes (I can't say that alot of the time it isn't true, though, just saying), and being bad people just for their backrounds. The gays and lesbians are still protested against by crazy radical reilgious folk who can't seem to understand that there are people on this earth other than wholesome white middle class families with blonde hair and blue eyes. The earth is still down the shitter, you see. But you knew that.

So where am I going with this? Everyone's ignoring this stuff because they think that, since it's not 1950 anymore, that there's no issues with being a chick anymore. Not a damn thing, ya'll!

WRONG MOTHERFUCKER! It may be just tid bits here and there that I'm pointing out, but here goes; Is it fair when a girl is raped, that she gets told that she was "asking for it" when she might've been wearing some skanky clothes? A women should be damn well be allowed to wear whatever the HELL she wants without having to worry about such crap. Is it right when a women isn't taken seriously because she has a vagina, or a big rack? Especially in corporate America. AND on the same issue, you'd be expected to color your hair, wear it pin straight, not look "too ethnic" and just normal enough for those good ol' hillbillies to not be afraid of you. I'm reading too much Jezebel, I know, but as I said: TIDBITS. Moving on, is it fair that a women gets called a whore/slut/skank/bitch because she likes sex and men, while when guys sleep with tons of women, they get high fives? The fuck is with that? If a chick wants to stick someone's dick inside her as much as a frat boy does with chicks, then she has every damn right to do whomever she wants without being called names.

But you know, women are expected to be pure lovely virgins until marriage, pop out tons of babies, be a stay at home mom and make dinner every night at 8PM and put the babies to bed. Yes, I am angry. Thank you for noticing.

Not to say that guys don't have issues with being born with a dick, but... Seriously. Go look at any middle eastern/Asian country, Latin America. You know what would happen if you were in any of those countries and expressed your thoughts on this stuff? Well, in the middle east, you'd be stoned to death. In Latin America, you'd probably get called names and assulted, I honestly don't know. In Asia, not too sure either. They'd probably just be weirded out.

But focusing on the middle east; WOMEN ARE COVERED IN HEAD TO TOE ROBES. I even saw a photo of a women and her husband swimming, and she was still in those clothes. The only thing you can see is her eyes. It's so frustrating, at least for me. We have all this sexism here still, but over there? Forget about it, FORGET IT. It infuriates the fuck outta me.

But you know whaaaat? People would rather just ignore it, because things like this are just too much for them to think about. Besides, you're in America, fuck the rest of the world, fuck other people, fuck anyone who isn't you, and fuck causes that need attention. Dude, in America, we may have problems, but we can complain about them and not do a damn thing to help! AWESOME, RIGHT!? HAR HAR HAR H-*shot*

I hate people. Reeeally, I do, minus a few. I want to help, and at the same time, I WANT TO SMACK YOU ALL. Kind of like an angry mother. But then again, I'm only 14, what the hell am I doing expressing my feelings? They're all gonna change when I'm older anyway, right? >_> Pffft.

I'm done. It's 1:40AM, dammit. And tomorrow's mother's day, gotta make egg's benedict for my mom. Night!

09 May 2008

My Sicilian side, (part two of self discovery lawl)

And that's all you need to know. Also, we got great desserts and are awesome motherfuckers.

This new layout is fabulous

Really. Also, I've been awake since 6AM and being up before 12PM is really nice. WATER COLORS, oh yes. And yawning. jedshbsjkfbskd I got tutoring today, so I'm sure to screw up and start doodling stick figures killing eachother all over my paper while our teacher gives us a O_O face. I dunno. He's never done that, I don't think. Also, totally forgot what I was gonna get today, so I gotta remember. Someone needs to shrink, dig into my head, and manage the brain like an office. I would surely have a better memory that way. And not make so many typos.

SO ONE DAY YOU'RE LIKE, I want a cup of coffee. And what happens? That shit is cold. IT IS COLD. Like Lindsay Lohan's vagina, except the opposite. You understand? That shit is tainted. Both of those things, not just her infected vagina. Lemme add Spencer Pratt's existence to that, too.

And like. My nails need trimming, SOMEONE ELSE SHOULD DO THAT FOR ME, there's alot of yawning. And it is as cold as Lindsay's vagina in here, yeesh. It's May. In Florida. MY GOD, but then again, our AC tends to make every day feel like January in Norway. Imagine how much crap the Nordies have to wear to go out. ALOT OF SHIT. Like eskimos. Except Nordies are Viking folk, so they have manliness and raep to keep them warm all year 'round. That's not an easy thing to achive, obviously. And this was liiiiike... Many years ago. Now? Bitches wear sweaters, duh.

And now... I'm sleepy. Fuck. Leave me alone!

08 May 2008

Ok, I'm sick

Last night I passed out on the couch (almost typed counch) after dinner while I watched a History Channel DVD on the dark ages. and well, I woke up with a sore throat. So of course, I woke up with a sore throat this morning, except it got worse. Now I have nasal congestion and a strange pressure in my ears and a very painful headache along with that sore throat. So I took a trip to Target to get $15 in cold supplies: Halls Vitamin C Defense, Chloraseptic (God, I swear), and Listerine (to kill those germs). I also bought some vitamin water with 250% vitamin c, Into the Wild (the book, for my English class), and some baby clothes for my sister because the front one has a cow with words under it that say "moo". Along with that 250% vitamin c from vitamin water, I also had a water bottle filled with 3 packets of that emergen-c and water. So I'm taking to fighting this cold similar to how America took to fighting Japan in World War 2.

I have to comment on my desire to use proper grammar on this blog. I consider this blog more formal than forums/message boards, GaySpace (sometimes) and definitely MSN/AIM, so I've been trying immensely more to capitalize my sentences and I's, as well as trying to have correct verb agreement and all that other good stuff. I'm sure I've slipped up somewhere, but that's how things go. Nobody's perfect. I've also been listening to Anne Rice's vampire novels on my car stereo, and most of the time the voices of the vampires is in an older tongue and uses more proper forms of English, so now I'm trying to place English in a more proper form. Although, I think I originally started doing this when I started taking German in High School. Learning the grammatical structure of German has helped me understand the English language more, and now I try to use more of the (what should be needed) helping verbs. Ones that are sort of "hidden" in the German language, but if you translate the German literally into English, they appear. Ok, that was a lot of explaining that didn't necessarily have to take place, but oh well, it did. I like explaining. I love languages, and learning their patterns is exciting for me. Recently I've been trying to learn Classical Latin, which is similar, yet different from English. Seems like English is an even concoction of Latin and Germanic languages. A lot of English's pronunciations seem to come from Germanic languages, even about half of our words come from the Germanic languages. But if one goes back even further, a lot of Germanic words come from Latin words, although you still have those Proto-Germanic words that do not. It's fascinating, I promise.

Like I've been proposing to myself that Russian is derivative of Greek, just by looking at the similarities in their alphabet. And it makes sense: Where did the Greek fugitives from the Roman conquering go? North? Perhaps...Ok I can be done for now, but beware, I enjoy this stuff too much :).

03 May 2008

Syd Barrett, and why he fucking matters

Ok, other than John Frusciante, David Bowie, and those two hot skanks from the Mars Volta, no one really seems to give a hell about Syd Barrett (well, there's basically a cult of fans, including me). Everyone dismisses him because he was only on one Pink Floyd album and, of course, never listened to his solo stuff. You know why? Lazy hoes, they are. You know why I started listening to him? I found his album The Madcap Laughs at DISNEY. Yes, DISNEY. At the Virgin Megastore, albeit. But still. Yes, I somehow stumbled upon it, amazed that they still even printed copies of it. When I got home, I listened to it, and holy shit God was having an awesome, wonderful, delightful day when Syd was basically forced into Abbey Road to make that album. He may have gone fucking bonkers, but it doesn't mean he isn't relevent. While you're all listening to Soulja Boy and Simple Plan, this man is dead without recognition because "oh lol he went crazy n left da band LOL HE GOT FAT". You stupid, stupid fucking asses.

This generation could learn aloooot from him. Listen to his first album, most of it was just him singing and playing acoustic guitar. None of this digital bullshit (and when I mean digital, I don't mean awesome crazy shit being added like with the Volta, I mean having your voice edited to be in pitch. EW UGHUGUGHUGUHUJFHVBKDFBHV KJFDG). His lyrics, as they were weird, were brilliant. I don't even know what most of his songs meant, but they came from SOMETHING, and SOMEONE, and that someone was him, not a fucking payed songwritier. I HATE that shit so fucking MUCH. He actually had creativity, which is something terribly lost these days, if I'm not mistaken. Because, you know, all the shitty bands with nothing to say always get public attention while all the good bands get pushed under the record company's asses. Because you know whaaaat? Even all the bands I love, nearly all of them, had a look to go along with the era. That's why Nirvana, Hole, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and so on, got record deals. But even bands who wore their flannels and ripped pants didn't get deals because the companys sucked the hell out of the bands that were bringing in the money. And if you're getting millions from one band, why go and use the effort to find more bands when you're whoring a few out already?

Syd wasn't whored out, not that it has anything to do with it. I forgot where I was going with this... LYRICS! Yes, Syd was naturally good at writing. Not everyone is, but don't pay someone else to feel for you. That's silly. This is why idiots like Avril Lavigne are popular. Did you really want her to get popular? Don't think so. She was cute before she started claiming to be this generation's Sid Vicious. Because, you know, Sid never sang and played bass. DUH. Stupid poser.

Also, you know, Syd wrote Arnold Layne. It's about a man who loves cross dressing. That alone should make him relevent to this era. I mean, the drag queens would love that, even if it's not disco electronic super pop. Now I wanna go watch that Wesley Snipes movie.

ANY. WAY. I think the drag queens were uncalled for, but... They should be mentioned. <3 them. Ok so, Syd, yes, the gays would love that shit if it were remixed and I'd have a reason to learn how to dance.

BUT LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING! Gayed up or not, Syd was a genius, did music for himself, never payed song writers to help him out and was on his own. We need more people like him, minus the LSD addicition and crazy guitar de-tuning at live shows. Because... That never did him good. I miss him. And so should the rest of you.

Bye now!

02 May 2008

Ok, it's time to be pissed off about myspace...

Ok, wtf, MySpace, if you can't get that problem with Firefox claiming that there is a script error and is unable to log into your system in less than 5 minutes, then you've got some problems. Internet Explorer can, Opera can, I'm willing to bet that Safari can. Need I go on?

It's not that myspace is that important, but I go there when I'm bored, and when I get pissed off, I come here to rant :D. and Slash at those things I hate...Like Internet Explorer...<_<

01 May 2008

I want some wine

Yes, it's true. I have the urge to have some of the refreshing stuff made from red grapes :). I've been liking to mix it with grape juice. lol. next step is like the greeks, with water. i can drink it straight up but it's more refreshing when it's mixed :D.