03 May 2008

Syd Barrett, and why he fucking matters

Ok, other than John Frusciante, David Bowie, and those two hot skanks from the Mars Volta, no one really seems to give a hell about Syd Barrett (well, there's basically a cult of fans, including me). Everyone dismisses him because he was only on one Pink Floyd album and, of course, never listened to his solo stuff. You know why? Lazy hoes, they are. You know why I started listening to him? I found his album The Madcap Laughs at DISNEY. Yes, DISNEY. At the Virgin Megastore, albeit. But still. Yes, I somehow stumbled upon it, amazed that they still even printed copies of it. When I got home, I listened to it, and holy shit God was having an awesome, wonderful, delightful day when Syd was basically forced into Abbey Road to make that album. He may have gone fucking bonkers, but it doesn't mean he isn't relevent. While you're all listening to Soulja Boy and Simple Plan, this man is dead without recognition because "oh lol he went crazy n left da band LOL HE GOT FAT". You stupid, stupid fucking asses.

This generation could learn aloooot from him. Listen to his first album, most of it was just him singing and playing acoustic guitar. None of this digital bullshit (and when I mean digital, I don't mean awesome crazy shit being added like with the Volta, I mean having your voice edited to be in pitch. EW UGHUGUGHUGUHUJFHVBKDFBHV KJFDG). His lyrics, as they were weird, were brilliant. I don't even know what most of his songs meant, but they came from SOMETHING, and SOMEONE, and that someone was him, not a fucking payed songwritier. I HATE that shit so fucking MUCH. He actually had creativity, which is something terribly lost these days, if I'm not mistaken. Because, you know, all the shitty bands with nothing to say always get public attention while all the good bands get pushed under the record company's asses. Because you know whaaaat? Even all the bands I love, nearly all of them, had a look to go along with the era. That's why Nirvana, Hole, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and so on, got record deals. But even bands who wore their flannels and ripped pants didn't get deals because the companys sucked the hell out of the bands that were bringing in the money. And if you're getting millions from one band, why go and use the effort to find more bands when you're whoring a few out already?

Syd wasn't whored out, not that it has anything to do with it. I forgot where I was going with this... LYRICS! Yes, Syd was naturally good at writing. Not everyone is, but don't pay someone else to feel for you. That's silly. This is why idiots like Avril Lavigne are popular. Did you really want her to get popular? Don't think so. She was cute before she started claiming to be this generation's Sid Vicious. Because, you know, Sid never sang and played bass. DUH. Stupid poser.

Also, you know, Syd wrote Arnold Layne. It's about a man who loves cross dressing. That alone should make him relevent to this era. I mean, the drag queens would love that, even if it's not disco electronic super pop. Now I wanna go watch that Wesley Snipes movie.

ANY. WAY. I think the drag queens were uncalled for, but... They should be mentioned. <3 them. Ok so, Syd, yes, the gays would love that shit if it were remixed and I'd have a reason to learn how to dance.

BUT LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING! Gayed up or not, Syd was a genius, did music for himself, never payed song writers to help him out and was on his own. We need more people like him, minus the LSD addicition and crazy guitar de-tuning at live shows. Because... That never did him good. I miss him. And so should the rest of you.

Bye now!

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