11 May 2008

Feminism, and why we aren't trying to kill off men (seriously, fucking stop with that shit)

Lemme explain something here; I am a Hole loving, enviornmentally causious, animal activist-y, women's right's fight-y, not-afraid-to-use-the-term-feminist person. You know why? The term feminist has been so raped up the ass, no one even knows what it meant it the first place and why it's importent. Because chicks didn't always have the right to go out wearing pants, saying what they felt, vote, divorce abusive husbands, have a say in how their lives would be. And this was only about 50 years ago. Then the wonderful 60's came, and us girlies wanted to be able to wear skirts that came up above the knees and have the right to not have to wear bras because the world somehow see's our bodies as offensive.

Listen, my body is not something you can tell me to cover up if I don't want to. Tits and ass, I have them. Accept it you damn crazies. <_> My vagina isn't going away, my boobs aren't gonna somehow always be covered for your protection from whatever the fuck, my ass is gonna be big and I will not change a THING to please any of you, just because it scares you. The hell.

Even in an age when people think that sexism, racism, and homophobia is basically gone... That's completely wrong. Chicks are still expected to be nice, quiet and not loud and to be a "respectful" girlfriend/wife that way. The blacks and Hispanics are accused of many crimes (I can't say that alot of the time it isn't true, though, just saying), and being bad people just for their backrounds. The gays and lesbians are still protested against by crazy radical reilgious folk who can't seem to understand that there are people on this earth other than wholesome white middle class families with blonde hair and blue eyes. The earth is still down the shitter, you see. But you knew that.

So where am I going with this? Everyone's ignoring this stuff because they think that, since it's not 1950 anymore, that there's no issues with being a chick anymore. Not a damn thing, ya'll!

WRONG MOTHERFUCKER! It may be just tid bits here and there that I'm pointing out, but here goes; Is it fair when a girl is raped, that she gets told that she was "asking for it" when she might've been wearing some skanky clothes? A women should be damn well be allowed to wear whatever the HELL she wants without having to worry about such crap. Is it right when a women isn't taken seriously because she has a vagina, or a big rack? Especially in corporate America. AND on the same issue, you'd be expected to color your hair, wear it pin straight, not look "too ethnic" and just normal enough for those good ol' hillbillies to not be afraid of you. I'm reading too much Jezebel, I know, but as I said: TIDBITS. Moving on, is it fair that a women gets called a whore/slut/skank/bitch because she likes sex and men, while when guys sleep with tons of women, they get high fives? The fuck is with that? If a chick wants to stick someone's dick inside her as much as a frat boy does with chicks, then she has every damn right to do whomever she wants without being called names.

But you know, women are expected to be pure lovely virgins until marriage, pop out tons of babies, be a stay at home mom and make dinner every night at 8PM and put the babies to bed. Yes, I am angry. Thank you for noticing.

Not to say that guys don't have issues with being born with a dick, but... Seriously. Go look at any middle eastern/Asian country, Latin America. You know what would happen if you were in any of those countries and expressed your thoughts on this stuff? Well, in the middle east, you'd be stoned to death. In Latin America, you'd probably get called names and assulted, I honestly don't know. In Asia, not too sure either. They'd probably just be weirded out.

But focusing on the middle east; WOMEN ARE COVERED IN HEAD TO TOE ROBES. I even saw a photo of a women and her husband swimming, and she was still in those clothes. The only thing you can see is her eyes. It's so frustrating, at least for me. We have all this sexism here still, but over there? Forget about it, FORGET IT. It infuriates the fuck outta me.

But you know whaaaat? People would rather just ignore it, because things like this are just too much for them to think about. Besides, you're in America, fuck the rest of the world, fuck other people, fuck anyone who isn't you, and fuck causes that need attention. Dude, in America, we may have problems, but we can complain about them and not do a damn thing to help! AWESOME, RIGHT!? HAR HAR HAR H-*shot*

I hate people. Reeeally, I do, minus a few. I want to help, and at the same time, I WANT TO SMACK YOU ALL. Kind of like an angry mother. But then again, I'm only 14, what the hell am I doing expressing my feelings? They're all gonna change when I'm older anyway, right? >_> Pffft.

I'm done. It's 1:40AM, dammit. And tomorrow's mother's day, gotta make egg's benedict for my mom. Night!

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